Monday, September 30, 2019

Are Families Dangerous?

The family is the first institution of the five basic social institutions. It is responsible for developing the behavior of each person to be interactive individuals in society. It is responsible for supplying the basic needs of each person during their development. Unfortunately, the image of family has been deteriorated considerably. Instead of being a system support for people, it has become a double edged sword. Society is at fault for how bad the concept of family is today. It is just takes watching the news on television or to reading the newspaper to realize this. We can see headlines like â€Å"Father abused his daughter†, â€Å"Woman is victim of domestic violence†, â€Å"Child suicide due to family problems†, among others. These are the many of the issues that top the news. For the journalist and social critic, Barbara Ehrenreich, families are dangerous. In her essay â€Å"Are Families Dangerous? † the author cites several cases and news about families to validate her thesis. I agree with what she establishes in her essay. Ehrenreich begins her essay talking about the Menendez brothers' case, in which the brothers killed their parents. Then, she lists more examples, like the famous case of former football player OJ Simpson. She says that family, instead of being a source of protection and love is a dysfunctional place. She also talks about the pro-family campaigns that politicians support. There are millions of people who claim to be pro-family but there are also a millions of people who attend family therapy to deal with their childhood traumas mostly created by their own families. She also, talks about the tradition of thinking about the â€Å"anti-family† and she explains the meaning of this term with examples. She mentions that for a family to be dangerous it does not necessarily mean that physical or verbal abuse exists. Other attitudes like disinterest, unconcern and even culture can influence in making a family dangerous. Finally, she establishes that families can pretend one thing that they really are not. Maintaining their tension inside so that the others cannot see it is something that can greatly impact in a negative way the family unit converting it into a dangerous one. However, when she says â€Å"Parents abuse sons – allegedly at least, in the Menendez case – who in turn rose up and kill them. I remembered a similar and very shocking case that happened in Puerto Rico, â€Å"The Aguada?s Matricide†. Lillian Enid Medina Hernandez was a fourteen year old girl when she killed her mother. Many people described her as a talented student from a good family. Allegedly, Lillian Enid was under the influence of controlled substances at the time of killing her strict mother. The motive of the crime was that she wanted to steal her mother’s money to go buy more drugs. How can a teenager kill the woman who gave her life and raised her? Why did a talented young girl decide to throw away her future this way? Why did this happen within a family, which for many people was a â€Å"perfect† family? These are questions that many people asked and many are still wondering. Most likely we are not able to know which factors attributed this crime to occurred. Maybe it was a family with a lot of internal problems that knew very well how to hide and showed the world what a â€Å"happy family† they were. There are very strict parents, who are like this for the good of their children. Some parents go beyond being strict become dictators, and that is when come conflicts with the children. Being adolescence is a very dangerous stage; most teenagers are not mature enough to understand why parents make certain decisions. They key to a good family relationship is communication. Sharing time with their children and always hear them when they want to talk with them. On the other hand, the author also says; â€Å"†¦ early feminist saw a degrading parallel between marriage and prostitution. † In some cultures of the world, marriage is a certain arrangement between families. This means that parents decide who their children will marry. They have no right to choose their partner. Many Middle Eastern countries carry out this type of arrangement. In most cases, the most affected are women. Her parents force her to marry the husband that they choose. Many weddings are among nine years old or more girls with older men who could be their fathers. Besides the cultural factor, there is also a monetary factor, men buying girls as wives. Even worse still is that their parents allow it. I recently read a story, â€Å"The Nuyud Case†, documented by Delphine Minoui, a writer and journalist. The story is about a ten years old Yemeni girl, named Nuyud, who filed for divorce from her husband who is forty years old. Nuyud went to court to apply for divorce claiming that her husband abused her sexually. Thanks to a judge who took pity on her, the divorce was granted. This was a historic event for women in Yemen since this is a country where women have few rights. With the divorce of Nuyud, it was shown that there is hope for women in that country. Nuyud explained that her parents forced her to marry her husband because he had a good economic status. It's amazing how parents can force their daughters to marry just for money. At that age they are supposed to be playing with dolls and enjoying their childhood. Her parents were guilty for the misery of the poor Nuyud, who was fortunately able to free herself from the abuse. Her family, instead of protecting and giving love to her, pushed her into the misfortune. Families are dangerous, although it should not be generalized because there may be a minority of families that are not dangerous. The basis for a good family relationship is communication. Appearances are often deceptive, so there is no perfect family. A dangerous family is not only a home where there is a lot of violence; it may also be a home where attitudes can help a family become dangerous like Nuyud’s case. Women should be treated equal to men. Parents should contribute to the good development of their children to be good people in society. Children must understand that the discipline will take them very far in life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Design of Compact Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna

Design of Compact Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for GPSK-PCS Operation Ho-yong Kim', Yong-nn Lee, Chung-ho Won, Hong-min Lcc Department of Electronics [email  protected] Univerrily hi-Dong, Yeongtong-Cu, Suwon-Si, Kyonggi-do, Korea email: [email  protected] com lnlraduetion In recent years, with the advance o f technology, the demand for an antenna operating a1 mutibands i s increasing rapidly. Such as GPS and K-PCS, The multi-hand antennas with one feeding pon use the multiple resonance technolagy[l] such antennal are difficult lo provide a good polarization efficiency for GPS signal reception. So the integrated GPSIK-PCS dual-band antenna using two feeding pan has been proposed in this paper. Referenced dual-band antenna using two feeding pon has matched poiariration of integrated system. [2] but it has large size. Proposed antenna uses miniafurizalion technique that is to insect ilits. This technique is to increase elecVlcal surface length by slits. [3-5] Operating frequency o f proposed Bntenna is greatly lowered by slit^. Meander line patch and square ring patch with four diu o f proposed antenna are about 70% and 50% ofreferenced antenna size. The proposed antenna composed of a low-profile cylindrical monopole with a top-loaded meander line patch for K-PCS Operation, and a comer-truncated square-ring microstrip patch antenna with four-slits for GPS ooeration. Pmposed Antenna Design The geometry and design parameter of the proposed antenna for compact GPSIK-PCS operation i s presented in Figure I. The proposed antenna has the common ground plane, but i s fed by separate feeding pon. The antenns for GPS-hand i s realized by using a corner-truncated square-ring microstrip patch with four slits. The outer side length and inner ride length are40mm(L,)and IZmm(&) ~ ~ p % t i d printed on a rubrtrale o f thickness 1. 6mm(h) and y, relative peminiviry (e, :4. 4). The middle ofthe substrate is removed for inner rectangular d i t area ( b x b ) of patch. Feed position for right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP) wave operation is placed along x-axis. and the distance of the probe feed away fram the patch center i s denoted as 6 . 6 m m ( / ) . The four-rlitr at the comers are of equal length I3. 5mm(S)and width Imm(w). Fig 2(a) shows simulated reNm loss of the proposed anlenna for GPS receiving antenna with various d i t lengths(S). It i s noted that the reSonant frequency rapidly lowered with increasingdesign parameter(S). In f h i ~ way, the excited surface current paths are lengthened in the propo~ed designs, and the operating frequency is greatly lowered. 0-7803-8302-8/04/$20. 00 IEEE 3529 02004 Also, the shorted meander line patch antenna with low-profile cylindrical monopole top is loaded at the center of square ring patch for K-PCS operation. For brbadband characteristic, cylindrical monopole has a large diameter of 6. 2mm(d,) and l e n ~ h 10. 7mm(h2). The eander line patch has a ride lengh Z l m m ( p ) and is connected to the common ground by two same shorting posh, which have a diameter of 2. 2mm(d2). By varying ofthe shorting ports diameter(d2), good impedance matching can easily be obtained. Figure 2(b) shows simulated retum loss for the p r a p ~ ~ e d K-PCS antenna with various slit lengthr(m,) of meander line patch. Meander line patch size can be reduced by increasing inserted slit length. Becaus e of the antenna for K-PCS operation interfere the axial mtio of GPS receiving antenna, the miniatufimion of GPS antenna is limited. According to the experiment, the patch size of GPS antenna for circular polarized operation must he over about twice the size of KPCS antenna with meander line suunurc. In the proposed designs, the bandwidth of3-dB axial mtio is about 13 MHz, which is much larger than that required for GPS operation at 1575 MHz. The measured axial ratio ofthe antenna for GPS operation i s presented in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows measured re† 101 of proposed antenna. The impedance bandwidths (. lOdB retum larr) are about lZOMH~(1744MHr-1864MH~)far K-PCS band and 60MHr (IS46MHr-1606MHz) for GPS-band. The isolation between the two feeding pons of the PCS and GPS elemenls is less than -17dB. Measured radiation panems of the proposed antenna at l8OOMHz and ISROMHz are presented in Figure 5 and 6, respectively. The K-PCS antenna radiation panem at IROOMHz shows a monopole radiation panem, 10 this fype of antenna is suitable for applications on a vehicular communication system. For the GPS anfenna at ISROMHz, good broadside band radiation panem is obtained. Far K-PCS operation the measured pea* antenna gains is about 2. 4dBi and t h c gain variations are within O. JdBi, for GPS operation the measured peak antenna gains is about 7. dBi and the vanations of gain does not exist. Conclusion Proposed antenna has a integrated slmcturc of microitrip patch antenna with two feeds for dual-band oprmtion(GPSiK-PCS). A low-profile cylindrical monopole with a shorted meander line patch i s loaded for K-PCS operation, which rhowr a linearly polarized monopole patkm with broadband characterirlic. Th e radiating clement for GPS operation is a novel square-ring microstip path with truncated comers with four slits, which provide circularly polarized braadrids radiation panemr. size reduction of proposed antenna is achieved by using slits. Meander line patch and square ring patch with four . lib of proposed antenna are about 70% and SO% of referenced antenna sire. As the proposed antenna has a compact size for dual band operation, it will be suitable for practical vehicular mobile communication antenna applications. R&E†Ce [I] R. Kronberger, H. Lindenmcier, L. Reiter, J. Hapf, † Multi hand planar Invencd-F C r a Antenna for Mobile Phone andGPS,†2714p-Z717p,AP confer. 1999 3530 [2] I. Y. Wu and K. L. Wong, â€Å"Two inlegraled stacked shorted patchantennas for DCSiGPS operations,† Micra wave Opt. Techno1 . Len. , Vol. 30. July, 2001. I31 S. Reed, L. Desclar, C. Terref, and S. Toutain, â€Å"Patch Antenna Size Reduction By Means Oflnductive Slots,† Micro wave Opt. Teehnol. Len. ,Vol29. Apri, 2001. 1 [41 J. Y. Wu and K. L. Wong, â€Å"Single-feed Square-ring Microstip Antenna wilh lruncated comers for Compact ~ircularpolarization Operation,† Electronics lea. , Vol. 34, May,1998. [ 5 ] W. S. Chen, C. K. Wu, and K. L. wong. I' Novel Compact Circularly polarized Square Microstrip Antennq† IEEE Trans. ,Antennas Propagat. , Vol. 49, March, 2001, L, = 40mm, L, = 12mm, S = 13. 5mm, t = 5. 74mm. IY = I n † f = 6. 6†³. p = Zlmnr, m, =ZOmm, ml =3. mm, d) = 6. 2mm, d* = 2. 2†³. d, =9. 3mm h, = 1. 6mm. h2 =10. 7mm Fib. 1. Geomelly and dimiiiimi ofthe pmpanrd a n t m i l for CPSIK-PCS operation. (a) The variation against parameter S (b) The variation againsl parmnster m, Fig. 2. Simulated return loss wilh v~riour ImgthsiS) nnd vsriour slit lengthsim,). slit 3531 I E 4 , d B ! -2 1. 560 1. 565 1. 570 1. 575 1. 580 .† -15 FrequanollGHz , I . 1. 5 2. 0 ~r4†³enwffi~ 2. 5 Fig. 3. The measured arid ratio. Fig 1 Measured r t b m loss of antenna. . (a) x-2 plane @) x-Y plane Fig 6. Measured radiation panem for GPS operation; f=1580MHz 3532

Friday, September 27, 2019

CRJ 422 Week 2 assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CRJ 422 Week 2 assignment - Essay Example The theory provides logical arguments that are systematic and provides specific, important causes of delinquency. The delinquency theories in the article are composed of propositions and concepts. The article further explores the use of research coupled with theories to unveil the causes and of delinquency. This provides a solid background in understanding juvenile delinquencies, which has been a problem in the society (Smith, 2008). In any contemporary jurisdiction, the best solution and preventions of social problems are significantly easy to find when the causes of such a problem are established. This article is anchored in such a philosophy, and has come up with several factors that influence the criminality among the juvenile delinquency. Such factors include drug influence, broken homes and low education among others. The articles describe how the factors that influence juvenile delinquency can be controlled and prevented. It delineates several critical and youthful measures that can be employed to achieve better results. Such include; wealth creation, enhancing parental responsibilities, education and training of the youths among others (John et al., 2013) . This article describes a significant transformation of juvenile delinquency in the courts of law. To promote a better understanding of handling the minor when they commit a crime, there should be juvenile courts instituted. The article describes the process of trying a minor in such court of law, how they get a competent attorney, and how they are helped through probation or per role basis. To promote all these, there should be enough staff from in the juvenile judicial system. The staff shall assist in maintaining the criminal justice as well as social justice in the community to avert juvenile delinquency. In USA, majority of young people agree to engage in some sorts of delinquent

Environmental Accounting in United Arab Emirates Assignment

Environmental Accounting in United Arab Emirates - Assignment Example This is of significance especially when the company intends to attract new investors and retain shareholders by confirming confidence in its stability and transparent management practice. Globally several federal regulations exist targeting to improve the practice of environmental accounting and disclosure of vital information among the business community. These include i. The comprehensive environmental response, compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) 1980 which requires corporate dealing with potentially harmful substances to incur the cost of remediation. ii. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA) 1976 which establishes responsibility for monitoring, transportations, treatment, storage and disposal of potentially hazardous substances iii. The clean air Act 1990 which seeks to reduce the amount of harmful gaseous emissions disposed of by corporations (Farouk, Cherian &Jacob 2012, p.1-8) Besides these several other environmental regulations have been developed especially with emerging concern of environmental cost of manufacturing. While in some regions, these are the compulsory requirement the AUE region lags behind in implementation. Being a developing market the region is at the initial stage of implementing good corporate governance practice among stakeholders with voluntary disclosure being embraced by companies that seek to impress investors and shareholders. This report focus on the environmental accounting issues and legal framework for environmental protection provided for in the UAE. The paper will also discuss on the implementation of the disclosure practices in the emerging markets in UAE. The information applied has been collected from secondary sources limited to current practice level and improvement as suggested by regulations. Environmental accounting Effective accounting ensures a reliable flow of transparent, comparable and consistent information about the environmental cost. Within the AUE compliance to financial disclosure is regard ed as a requirement hence a majority of organization provide financial accounting report. Lack of regulation demanding nonfinancial reporting allows management and boards to release information at their discretion. Environmental accounting refers to the process of identifying and creating awareness regarding cost related to maintaining a sustainable ecosystem which in turn helps in identifying techniques to reduce such cost. (Farouk, Cherian &Jacob 2012, p.1-8) Green accounting tools are used to determine environmental cost due to organization operations such as emission of greenhouse gases, depletion of natural resources and environmental degradation. It is the collective social responsibility of the government and business entities to adopt responsible behavior through monitoring eco-system degradation and controlling the occurrence of possible disasters associated with their activities. Corporate environmental reporting through the lens of semiotics This is the first paper obtain ed from ProQuest. The main objective of this study was to analyze the structuring of environmental accounting information by corporate organizations in order to gain the implied report meaning. A report reflects a qualitative survey conducted for selected companies in Malaysia and Australia.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

South American Audiences Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

South American Audiences - Assignment Example This will enhance maximum realization of the SOP’s benefits. The team also needs to take into consideration differences in organizational culture and employees’ mind set on adhering to the SOPs. To ensure that the implementations of the SOPs are successful, there is a need to ensure that our SOP’s document contains well-thought out and relevant safety and health issues. The Venezuelan firm will be softly persuaded to adopt our OSHA standards by not overselling our case using the persuasion principle of communication. In relation to the communication principle of education and instruction, training and development programs also need to be initiated in a concrete and clear manner so as to train the Venezuelan employees on the importance of adhering to the SOPs. A formal training program will be adopted for the whole organization with close monitoring, supervision and evaluation. Review and validate their existing SOPs for explicit process. They will be checked for relevance to the new process map. This will ensure that the SOPs will shift from organizational silos to one that cut across functions and departments. The other approach is that the section heads will be obliged to the lead in consulting with their juniors and subsequently forward the completed SOP for review by the departmental heads, as well as the office managers. This is vital in creating ownership and increasing uptake (Pharmalink 2). Focusing on key points and good flow, the firm you need to ensure that you create a good rapport with the surrounding community so as to ensure that the Venezuelan firm also adheres to their corporate social responsibility. In that respect, the team members need to develop active listening skills. Listening is considered as major element of getting feedback. Lastly, the team will ensure that while, in Venezuela, they avoid using

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Project management - TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Essay

Project management - TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES - Essay Example  ·   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Budget of the project covers financial aspect of the project.  ·   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stakeholder analysis covers the interest of individuals and associations who may get affected by the project.  ·   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Internal control & contingency plan covers the alternative plan to address risk factors associated with the project.  ·   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Equipments needed in different phases of the project are being also covered in project scope statement.  ·   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Internal or external people requirements covers total human capital will be needed in the project. Explanation In context to marketing project, first phase of project scope statement starts with understanding client requirements. In client requirement statements, clients specify their expectations such as expanding distribution channel, asset integrity, establishing new infrastructure etc. In the project scope statement, next comes Contract penalties where is being mentioned. In regulatory controls, legal obligations, government policies and environmental policies regarding the project is being analyzed. In marketing projects, regulatory control section covers legal issues regarding advertising policies, product quality standards, environment standards regarding supply chain activities etc. In budget control section, issues regarding financial capital is being required in required in the advertising promotion, variable cost associated with the operation, cost of supply of resources for different marketing activities are being discussed. In project scope statement of marketing projects, stakeholder analysis covers the probable individuals and associations who will take interest or may get affected by the execution of the project. In Internal control & contingency plan for marketing projects, operational control over advertising activities, human resource movement, assessing risk of project failure and plan to mitigate risks are being discussed. In case o f Equipments needed, marketing project manager design the plan for how many print material, TV commercial broadcasting, sales promotion materials, billboards, signage etc are being needed in the project. In case of project scope statement of marketing project, Internal or external people requirements cover total marketing employees are needed to execute the project and total numbers of external workers should be recruited to execute the marketing project. Mendelow’s Matrix can be used to understand stakeholder requirements regarding event management and marketing campaign of the client.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Table 2: Stakeholder Analysis (Mendelow’s Matrix) Stakeholder Power Index Low UK based customers who will buy retail merchandises of the German discount retailer. Project workers and marketing department of the client and in case of lack of understanding regarding among project members regarding project deliverables, they might create resistance in proposed marketing activities. High Top level management of the retail giant and regional heads of UK division. Financial organization that will provide capital support to client to fulfil its strategic objectives. Supply chain and investment partners might exercise their power in future circumstances. Low High Probability of power exercising Product scope description: in UK, the client offers huge range of product portfolio such as bakery items, beverages,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Bullfighting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Bullfighting - Essay Example After that the local public took it as a sport and since they could not afford it, they started bullfighting on bulls and the tradition still continues. Bullfights or corrida takes place in the presence of the president and the local audience in Spain. First of all the paseillo happens in which all the participants of the bullfight introduce themselves. Two participants called alguacilillos enter the ring and ask for keys to the gate behind which are the bulls. The doors are called puerta de los toriles. When the bulls come out the main show starts. The bullfights takes place in three parts called tercios. In the first part, the bull's ability to move his head is hampered by lances used by two picadors who are riding on blindfolded horses. In the second part, three people called banderilleros make the bull chase them around and use sharp colored sticks called banderillas and stab it in the body of the bull, specifically his back. Finally the third and the last part includes the killing of the bull by the matador. In my view, this is a very cruel sport and a symbol of inhuman behavior. Usually in this sport, the bulls are made weak by putting sand bags in their backs. They are also made weak by drugging the animal or to cut the horn of the bull which hamper coordination. Sometimes the weak and placid bulls are selected for the fight so that the win is easy. The game is not only cruel for the bull, but there are other victims as well.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Laws - Essay Example Single-firm conduct is a practice that undermines several United States’ laws, for example, Section 2 of the Sherman Act. The behaviour is evident in companies that are successful to the extent that they do not observe common competitive pressures. A normal market, such as the American market, supports a competitive market with competing firms. Most of the laws to regulate this malpractice are effective, but to some extent. The Sherman Act makes monopolization or attempts to monopolize trade activities illegal (Katz, 2006). The law may be ineffective because of its ambiguity, especially in the definition of monopolization. For instance, it provides room for aggressive marketing procedures, unless a company tries to achieve monopoly through â€Å"unreasonable† measures. A legitimate business justification is not an â€Å"unreasonable† method, according to a court of law. For instance, a business may have effective strategies that ensure they meet their target mark et without the use of any unlawful methods that may be injurious to competitors or customers. An example is the Microsoft Company, which fashioned a monopoly over operating systems software for personal computers that are IBM-compatible. Through this, the company managed to dissuade other computer makers and software developers from installing non-Microsoft browser software in its products. Through the law, competing firms were able to make Microsoft end their conduct that prevented rivals from gaining a market share. Fraudulent advertising is a negative practice that undermines fair, balanced, and competitive business practices. Listerine, a largely commercial product in the early 1900s, has faced several bans and fines owing to its false advertisements. As a mouthwash product, its advertisements claimed to cure colds, a fact that was clinically incorrect. This business practice affects several stakeholders, especially consumers

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Biodiversity Museum exhibit Presentation Essay Example for Free

Biodiversity Museum exhibit Presentation Essay Very little is known about biodiversity and its effect on livelihood and the environment. In order to clearly understand where we are coming from a clear definition of the broad concept is in order Biodiversity is the difference in number, frequency and variety of living organisms in an ecological system. This includes plants, animals, birds, fish among others. Basically this term encompasses variety of ecosystems species, and relative abundance (http://www. equalearth. org/wildlifeextinction. htm ). Importance of Biodiversity. Tropical rainforests are dying or being cut down at a faster rate than be replaced. The rainforests play a vital role in water catchments areas and are home to thousands of birds spices and animals. The replacement of these forest with artificial ones is insufficient because the rainforest support undergrowth and attract more rain. Animals species take millions of years to adapt to their habitat and no human being should fuel elimination of such progress. Biodiversity sustains our own survival as well as that of the global economy. The small millipedes play a profound role of improving the quality of our soils. The same also goes for the fungi, algae, and bacteria among other microorganisms. These organisms aerate the soils, incorporate crucial elements like minerals and nitrogen. Additionally ecosystems in marshes remove excess nutrients from the soil. A good example is the mollusus. The forests reduce soil erosion through wind and water. What’s more, forests hold the soil firmly together thus preventing landslides. Furthermore, biodiversity ensures stabilization of the climate in the sense that they act as repositories of CO2 in exchange for O2, act as wind breakers and lessen the brunt of freezing temperatures. Other benefits include controlling natural disasters, pollinations of plants by the bees and birds thus better crop production and such like. On a different note biodiversity provide food security, aesthetic, medicinal bioprospecting, spiritual healing and value. Virginia is an area rich in biodiversity with variety of native plants and animals. It is important that this ecosystem is preserved and hence it is important to educate visitors on the causes of wildlife extinction. Deforestation is one reason that causes extinction as humans destroy forest to build roads, cultivate and other infrastructure. In US only 15% of tropical forest remains. Other causes of wildlife extinction include poaching, habitat degradation (through mining), animal diseases, pollution and overexploitation (http://www. equalearth. org/wildlifeextinction. htm ). The aquatic life is also not spared. Whales, Atlantic cod, bald eagle and others are hunted town piercely for economic gains especially whale oil. Water pollution has also killed several aquatic species in a short duration. The impact of wildlife extinction on our world increases as the destruction of ecosystem progresses. This is because each species of living organism has a role in maintaining a balance in the system. If one species becomes extinct the whole system is destabilized. For example the food consumed by that species will overpopulate causing the others that fed it to reduce. Extinction of wildlife depraves future generations from knowing nature as it was. The extinction of dinosores millions of years ago stripped humanity of the knowledge of such creatures. Extinction of species also die hence food insecurity and economic loss. The relationship between wildlife extinction and deforestation is clear cut. The rainforests support life of over a million species of plant and animals. Deforestation Randers these animals homeless and without food to eat. The destruction of their habitat forces them to look in other areas which they are not adapted to. In such a case only the fittest survive the hostile environment fuelling extinction. Deforestation leads to food insecurity for animals, which eventually starve to death. Additionally exposing animals to unsheltered habitats puts them in the hands of poachers who kill then for money. This leads to extinctions of wildlife. Besides, deforestation strips wildlife of their homes, which in turn exposes hem to adverse climate and temperatures causing diseases and death, thus extinction. Deforestation has some current and potential impacts on world cultures. For instance, the economic lifestyle of a people in Brazil depends on extraction of rubber, nuts and other raw materials which they sell to companies in exchange of money to buy food and other necessities. Deforestation hampers this source of income. Culture incorporates the kind of shelter, foods and lifestyles people have. Deforestation causes disharmony in this culture in that indigenous people go without traditional medicine from tees, lack materials for building their homes, go without recreation facilities and no longer have good soil to cultivate crops. Given that clear understanding, of biodiversity, I have been hired by the largest, natural history museum in the world and charged with the responsibility of designing an exhibit that introduces visitors to the importance of biodiversity, causes of wildlife extinction, ways that wildlife extinction impacts on the world, causes of deforestation, and its relationship to wildlife extinction current and potential impacts of deforestation on world cultures and description of the methods that are and could be implemented to preserve the present level of aquatic biodiversity. This task is equally challenging, as it is exciting. The proposed design will be submitted to the Museum’s board or trustees. Aquatic life zones Currently, the US and other countries have realized the importance of aquatic biodiversity and taken steps to preserving it. The well-being of lakes and water bodies directly promotes well-being of aquatic life. The US has laid down laws that prohibit pollution of H2O. It has also banned the use of pesticides and fertilizers that contain elements which could pollute water. Sensitization of communities living near tributaries to plant trees by rivers sides has also helped to preserve aquatic life fro soil sedimentation. The coral reefs are an attractive feature of aquatic biodiversity. The EPA has been in the forefront of banning sewage discharges (human/industrial) which deposit pathogens and other harmful compounds into the coral reefs thereby destroying them. In Florida, the FKNMS) ensures sustainability of the Florida key reefs with the help of EPA and NOAA. As it stands the EPA intends to develop a watershed approach to protect coral reefs. Reference http://www. equalearth. org/wildlifeextinction. htm Accessed on 11th October 2007

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Orpheus and Eurydice Essay Example for Free

Orpheus and Eurydice Essay The Greek myth says: in creativity you will succeed, only if you will be given immense experience of depth (to the experience, admitting Greeks necessary for creation; to experience, in which story experiences his immensity) for the sake of him. As for me, Depth does not concede itself, appearing face to face; she is opened, only hiding herself in product. The basic, relentless, answer. But the myth specifies as well that Orpheus it is not fated to obey this last law, and certainly, turning around to Eurydice , Orpheus destroys it and then collapses, and Eurydice again addresses in a shadow; under his sight the essence of night is opened in the insignificance. So it betrays also Eurydice, and night. But also not having turned back, it too will not avoid treachery, having showed incorrectness in relation to immense and reckless force of the impulse which demands Eurydice not in its day time true and ordinary charm, and in night shadows, in its remoteness, with the closed body and the sealed person; to force which tries to behold Eurydice, not when she is seen, but when is hidden, and not in affinity of an ordinary life but as the externality of that excludes any affinity, thirsts to not recover her, but to possess in it Ð ²Ã ¶Ã ¸Ã ²Ã µ completeness of its death. Only behind it also has gone down in Ð ¿Ã'€Ð µÃ ¸Ã' Ã ¿Ã ¾Ã ´Ã ½Ã'ŽÃ'Ž. All glory of his creations, all authority of his art, and desire of a happy life in fine clearness of day are brought in a victim to the unique care: to make out in night that at night hides, other night, Ã' Ã ²Ã »Ã' Ã µÃ ¼Ã ¾Ã µ concealment. Indefinitely problematic impulse condemned on day as unjustified madness or as a temptation by excessiveness. For day visit to the hell, having rummaged to depths, he has already an excess. And Orpheus inevitably neglects the law prohibiting turning back as this law is broken by him with a first step to an empire of shadows. From here there is a presentiment, which actually Orpheus all time has been inverted to Eurydice; to untouch touched in absence of a shadow, at that shaded presence which does not hide its absence, was presence of its infinite absence. Not having looked on it, it would not carry away her to itself(himself), and, undoubtedly, she not here, and it is absent in this sight, not less dead, rather than she, dead not serene death of the world which rest, the silence and the end, but that other death, which is endlessly, experience of absence of the end. Condemning invention Orpheus, he reproaches with obvious impatience. And mistake Orpheus, similarly, in the desire inducing it to see Eurydice to possess her whereas it can sing of her only. I consider that the fact that Orpheus says only in the song, attitudes with Eurydice is possible for him only in a hymn, he finds a life and true only after a verse and a verse, and Eurydice represents not that other as this magic dependence paying it outside of singing in a shadow, letting it to be free, alive, executed to authority only in the space proportional Orpheus. Yes I have noticed, Orpheus has authority above itself. Orpheus is guilty of impatience. His mistake is that he is going to exhaust infinity that believes a limit boundless, cannot support an impulse of own error endlessly. Impatience a mistake of the one, who wishes to avoid absence of time, patience dodge, attempt to subordinate this absence, transforming it in certain other, differently measured time. But the true patience does not exclude impatience to which it is intimately connected; it is gained and is indefinite continuouse impatience. Impatience of Orpheus, so, as well a due impulse: in the beginning of that becomes his passion, his highest patience, his infinite stay in death. Orpheus, not having obeyed the law, having looked on Eurydice, has only obeyed deep requirements as if the inspired impulse has captivated in the hell not clear shadow, is not realized has deduced her back in a wide daylight. To look on Eurydice, not caring about a song, in impatience and recklessness of desire overlooking the law, here is such inspiration. Whether it means, what the inspiration transforms beauty of night into unreality of emptiness, pays Eurydice in a shadow, and Orpheus in something indefinitely dead? Whether it means, what the inspiration is therefore that problematic moment when the essence of night becomes insignificant and welcoming affinity of the first night a deceptive trap of night other? We have a presentiment in inspiration only of his failure, we distinguish only fury not knowing to a way. But if the inspiration announces, that Orpheus has failed and Eurydice is lost for him again, announces insignificance and emptiness of night. The inspired and forbidden sight dooms Orpheus to loss everything not only, not only day time gravity, but also essence of night obviously and inevitably. The inspiration promises Orpheus destruction, promises to certitude, not promising instead of success to product, as well as not asserting in neither ideal triumph Orpheus, nor revival Eurydice. The story in the same degree is compromised with inspiration in what Orpheus falls under his threat. During this instant it reaches in the doubtfulness of a limit. That is why so frequently and with such force it also resists to that inspires it. The light of Light, the more actively hatred of Darkness is brighter. Sight Orpheus is his final gift to product, gift in which it from him refuses in which it sacrifices it, going to an immense impulse of desire to sources, and in which is not realized goes besides to the story, to sources of the story. And for Orpheus all grows in certitude of defeat, leaving in exchange only doubtfulness whether existed indeed something? Before the most doubtless masterpiece, whose beginning blinds shine and confidence, we, nevertheless, collide with something growing product suddenly again becomes hidden, it is not present and never here was. This sudden eclipse the remote memoirs on sight Orpheus, nostalgic return to doubtfulness of a source. So, all is staked, when dare at a sight. In this decision and coming up to sources the force of a sight untying essence of night, the removing care interrupting continuous, it opening, an instant of desire, carelessness and authority. The inspiration is connected by sight Orpheus to desire. Reading this myth, by the way, I thought not just about tragedy but also about their internal love. Not paying attention to his awful mistake I can see that he is a real hero. It is so impressive that he could make this for love to his princess of his heart without considering the risk. There is no constant things in the world but just one eternal – love of two people.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The First American Eagle Outfitters Store

The First American Eagle Outfitters Store After a stagnant market in 1991 which American Eagle had felt the effect of Retail Ventures, Inc. sold the rest of its fifty percent of its ownership of American Eagle to the Schottenstein family making them the complete controllers of the company. In 1992, under new management American Eagle slightly moved its focus on private label casual apparel for men and women keeping the outdoor look. During one of its best years American Eagle went public in April 1994 with a high of $0.91 for the first day of the initial public offering. Most of the earnings from the IPO was invested into the company and during the rest of 1994, fifty-five new American Eagle stores opened and at the one year mark of the IPO a total of 90 new stores had been opened. This rapid expansion caused some problems and forced the closing of all its outlet stores and focus on the mall locations as primary locations. In 1996, American Eagle moved to focus more on womens clothing, because it has proven to be more profitable. After the move American Eagle saw a big jump in sales and coupled with the integration of an apparel manufacture owned by the Schottenstein family, American Eagle became more vertically integrated. Through gained attention and high sales competitor Abercrombie Fitch saw a threat and filed three lawsuits against American Eagle Outfitters for copying their designs. All three times American Eagle won the suit due to the fact that designs cant be copyrighted. In 2000 American Eagle started to refine its marketing strategies and got a deal to provide clothing for the series Dawsons Creek and MTVs Road Rules. In the same year American Eagle went international when it bought a 172 store chain and warehouse operations in Canada, converting many of the stores into American Eagle Outfitters stores. Today American Eagle operates 938 AE stores, 137 Aerie stores and 28 M+O stores  [1]  , which are planned to be closed during the 2010 fiscal year. American Eagle is in all fifty states, Canada, Puerto Rico, and now Kuwait and Dubai. Deals are being made to open stores in Israel, China, and Japan. External Analysis The general environment of American Eagle Outfitters consists of multiple external industry factors that are beyond AEs control, yet significantly affect AEs, as well as the industrys, strategies. Those factors are demographic, sociocultural, political, technological, economic, and global. The aspect of the demographic segment that most notably affects AE is the aging population. With AEs key demographic focused on 15-25 year olds, the aging population results in a lower percentage of the overall population being included in their target market. With a lower percentage of the population included in the target market, a lower percentage of that populations consumer spending will be directed at AE. One factor in the sociocultural segment is an increase in dual-income families. This increase leads to a higher household income, thus, a higher disposable income that can be spent on shopping. Another sociocultural factor that affects AE is the style factor. Specific styles and trends in apparel are constantly changing depending on the latest fashion or current time of year and retailers have to keep up with the changes by having a variety of options available. In Elizabeth Holmess article Abercrombie Fitchs Style Sense Wears Thin with Some Shoppers, the importance of variety is emphasized when she says American Eagle, of Pittsburgh, Pa., is bringing in new merchandise every four weeks, up from every six weeks. Increased variety and choices will be critical and crucial as part of regaining market share (for Abercrombie).  [1]  Increased sales taxes in certain areas and rising sales taxes across the general population is the main political factor affecting AE. Any increase in ta xes results in a decrease in disposable income, which typically leads to less consumer spending. The technological aspect of the general environment in the retail industry is addressed by Jordan Speer in her article Apparels TOP 50 when she says Technology, too, continues to open possibilities like never before, as apparel companies implement ever more capable systems to refine merchandise planning and allocation, or to track consumer behavior in real time.  [2]  The recent increased use of radio frequency identification (RFID) tags in the apparel retail industry could revolutionize the supply chain management process. The most obvious factor in the general environment is in the economic segment. The current suffering economy has impacted even the retail industry, as stated in Datamonitors SWOT analysis of AE, Clothing sales fell 3.9% in April 2010 from April 2009, and the sales that month were 8.2% below April 2008. Worst affected is the womens clothing as 4.1% drop in womens fashions was witnessed while mens declined by a mere 0.5%. In terms of American Eagle specifically, the article stated that teen unemployment is also on the rise impacting their spending and as the cautious American consumers cut down on the discretionary spending, the demand for American Eagles products is likely to see a setback.  [3]   The global segment of the general environment includes any influences from foreign countries. While the amount of foreign substitutes for moderately priced, fashionable apparel is relatively low, the opportunities for globalization in the apparel retail industry are prevalent. American Eagle is based primarily in North America, but has opened a couple stores overseas and look to expand into the Asian market in the near future. American Eagles competitive environment can be broken down using Michael E. Porters five forces model, which consists of the following forces that affect a companys ability to compete: The threat of new entrants, The bargaining power of buyers, The bargaining power of suppliers, The threat of substitute products and services, and The intensity of rivalry among competitors.  [4]   We have determined that the threat of new entrants in the retail industry is relatively low. Although there are low capital requirements to start up a new business in retail and there are little to no switching costs for the consumer, we believe that American Eagle is relatively safe in terms of new entrants. First, and most importantly, the retail industry has had very modest growth in the past few years due to the lagging economy, limiting the industrys attractiveness to any new entrants. Next, the existence of economies of scale in the industry is a significant barrier to entry. For a new entrant to be successful, they would either have to come in at a large scale to utilize the economies of scale or come in at a smaller scale and have higher prices. The last factor limiting the threat to new entrants is consumer brand loyalty. Many consumers have certain preferences to select retail establishments and would not be willing to try out a new store.  [5]   The threat of substitution in the apparel retail industry in general is viewed as weak because most consumers prefer the ease of retailers to buying directly from manufacturers, making their own clothes, or settling for counterfeits. In terms of AE specifically, there is a fairly significant threat of substitute products with the various industry competitors, such as GAP, Pacific Sunwear, or Abercrombie Fitch, producing similar products at similar prices. Although some customers tend to have certain brand loyalties, when style is a factor, substitute products are always an option. We believe that the bargaining power of buyers is low in the retail industry. Although switching costs from AE to another competitor are negligible, there arent many more factors that give a buyer power. The buyers, in regards to American Eagle, are typically individual customers. This means that a single buyer does not represent a large percentage of AEs sales, so losing one customer does not significantly affect their profits. Since style varies, retail firms can become very differentiated by being the first on the market to provide the latest trends, thus, weakening buyer power.  [6]  Buyer power is also limited by the fact that consumers are very partial to the retail environment and prefer buying their clothing to making their own clothes or buying directly from manufacturers. The bargaining power of suppliers in the retail industry is also low. Garment manufacturers rely heavily on the retail industry to purchase their goods. There are low switching costs to a different manufacturer because there are numerous low-wage manufacturing facilities worldwide. Another reason why the bargaining power of suppliers is low in terms of American Eagle is that they own and operate their own manufacturing facility so there is no need for the supplier to bargain. We have determined that intense rivalry among competitors, such as GAP, Pacific Sunwear, and Abercrombie Fitch, in the industry is very prevalent. There are numerous balanced competitors in the retail industry, which has experienced slow growth. These factors, coupled with low switching costs and the always-changing fashion, result in a battle for market share. Internal Analysis American Eagles mission seems to be to provide high quality, on trend clothing, accessories, and personal care products at affordable prices.  [1]  Since we opened our first store in 1977, AE has focused on innovation.  [7]  The core value behind the American Eagle brand is people. People, whether they are customers, employees or business partners, are the key to a sustainable and successful company and are the heart of everything they do. We value and respect differing backgrounds, unique talents and eclectic tastes2American Eagle also lists integrity, passion, innovation and teamwork as core values that sustain the American Eagle brand. The American Eagle Slogan, Live your Life is meant to encourage everyone involved with the company, whether customer or associate to be individuals and to bring that uniqueness to the company. Even though American Eagle emphasizes being a value brand in their mission statement, they have decided to underscore the value position in their promotion campaigns by focusing on other sources of value such as quality and style.1 American Eagle is neither the lowest cost or the most differentiated in the market. Customers have been gravitating towards lower priced stores such as Aeropostale and Forever 21 and so the company has shifted the focus away from discounting in a move to strengthen the quality of the brand and therefore focus on a differentiation approach. Customers in their target market seem to be confused; however as to how American Eagle is differentiating itself from many other similar brands. The company sites diversity as a characteristic they value in their company, but it seems that they are trying to brand a lifestyle that is hard to understand.  [8]  Other competitors such as Hollister (which is part of Abercrombie and Fitch) choose more of a focus strategy, aiming towards the California style niche market. The company is focusing on growing market share in core product categories such as graphic t-shirts and fleece and to maintain its market leadership in denim. 1 American Eagles core competencies arise from the execution and combination of its resources. As a company, American Eagle considers its distribution a core competency. American Eagle successfully uses its distribution centers to best supply its retail stores as well as fulfill customer orders from its website and catalog by taking over logistic processes that it had previously outsourced to a third party.  [9]  Three things contribute to the success of their distribution at their Ottawa, Kansas distribution center, high speed shipping and receiving, multiple picking technologies and integrated warehouse management and warehouse control software systems. American Eagle had to develop an innovative way to balance the workload over three concepts (AE, aerie and Martin +Osa). One of the unique features is that we believe we have created the first waveless dynamic picking system in a direct-to-consumer operation for a specialty retailerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦instead of queuing up orders into a wave based on what was received overnight, were able to prioritize orders in the picking pool based on delivery dates in real-time as those orders are received over the Internet. 9 American Eagle has a high market share in denim 1 which suggests the company has a core competency in the production and marketing of its denim product line. The majority of direct mail sales promotions the company produces targeted towards loyalty and credit card holders use each seasons new denim line to showcase other new seasonal items.  [10]  American Eagle uses brand recognition to tie jean sales with other promotional offers such as free movie tickets and free graphic tees from the brands expanding line.  [11]  Jeans are the most easily recognized and first thought of when thinking about the American Eagle Brand. I can easily tell when someone is wearing American Eagle jeans because they have a certain design on the back pockets. 8 Another core competency of American Eagle is its entertainment marketing campaigns. A series of 30 second episodes embedded in the CWs shows Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls featured 12 real girls wearing the new aerie line, a line of dorm wear and intimates for women, talking about how they relate to show themes to their lives and the aerie brand. The mini episodes were also shown online and the website allowed viewers to see exclusive content from aerie Tuesdays and to enter contests to win an American Eagle shopping spree. That particular campaign also included advertising the two shows on in store video screens and surprise visits from show stars.  [12]  American Eagle has also teamed up with multiple MTV shows such as the Real World: Austin and Spring Break as well as collaborating with the musical group The Black Eyed Peas to launch their new album in AE stores.  [13]  More recently, American Eagle became one of the first companies to offer Facebook deals, in an effort t o take advantage of the rising popularity of social marketing. The deal offers customers who check in at American Eagle on Facebook with their smart phones 20% off their entire purchase. American Eagle customers are avid users of Facebook and mobile technology so the company has created an aggressive plan to exploit that opportunity. Facebook Deals enables American Eagle Outfitters to offer our customers even more value, as well as strengthen their connection with our brand in their preferred mode of communication.  [14]   As part of the retail industry, it is difficult for a retailer to develop sustainable competitive advantages since many business processes are easily imitated and low brand loyalty exists among consumers. American Eagle Outfitters possesses three things that are sources of competitive advantage in such an industry. American Eagle possesses its dedicated work force, a well recognized brand name, an employee generated intranet and a high amount of cash and low debt ratios. The company possesses its brand name, which exemplifies a culture of fun, variety, individualism, realness and honesty.1 The American Eagle brand is about being trendy and individualistic. American Eagle uses a small, stitched on eagle emblem on the majority of their clothing and most people from their target market recognize it as the symbol of American Eagle. Members of their target 15-25 year old market feel the brand is casual, laidback, breezy and cozy.8 American Eagle stores are tangible representations of thei r brand and so they are engaging and dynamic but reflect the laid back nature of the brand. Plasma screens in every store provide an exciting playlist of current hits as a backdrop to the shopping experience. 10 American Eagle is upgrading many of its stores to include newer technology (such as televisions that display product collections to shoppers in store). The company opened a flagship store in Times Square that includes a giant electronic billboard similar to the Times Square Landscape. The store will also offer mobile POS devices that allow customers purchase anywhere in the store as well as offer customers who make a purchase a chance to take a photo-booth picture that can be displayed on the giant Times Square Billboard.  [15]  Merchandise turns over quickly in response to customer preference also adding to the perceived trendiness of the brands clothing and accessories.8 Executives, using information from research and from the companys own intranet, have successfully i ntegrated entertainment with the American Eagles product offerings in order to relate to the companys target 15-25 year old market. By continuing to stay on trend with its target market, American Eagle products become featured in magazines popular with women in the 15-25 age segment such as Seventeen and Cosmopolitan.10 American Eagle Outfitters employees are a source of competitive advantage. AEO associates were diverse, hard-working, and loyal to the company; passionate about its brand; and lived the companys values of people, integrity, passion, innovation, and teamwork.  [16]  American Eagle hires employees who are similar on many demographic variables to that of its target market.16 By doing this, management ensures that associate generated content is relevant to the company and can be analyzed to understand its core customers. Walking into an American Eagle store feels unintimidating and relatable because the associates belong to the same core demographic segments that customers do By hiring associates similar to the members of the core target market, management also ensures that associate generated content is relevant to the company and can be analyzed to understand its core customers.8 The career website,, exemplifies American Eagles intense focus on providing a rewarding employee culture. Its compensation and benefit programs are individually based on performance to encourage individuality. At, outsiders can view employee accounts of responsibilities and personal growth afforded to them by being part of the American Eagle community. Interactive videos and photos guide the everyday user through the ins and outs of daily life at American Eagle and encourages them to apply for available positions. Here, students can also discover how to get involved with internships and college recruiting. Internships are designed to introduce college age students to the fast paced retail industry as well as the culture and style of American Eagle.7 American Eagle has developed an associate generated intranet system called AE life-the intranet. The purpose of the intranet is to showcase these employee values in a venue that also provides up to date information and industry news. The intranet allows associates at many locations to share and create a common experience of what is like to work at American Eagle.16 The intranets exciting and interactive format was designed to reflect the companys culture of fun and variety and to encourage employees to visit and update the system frequently. According to American Eagle Executives, their number one competitive advantage is the innovation of their associates. AEOs associates continue to connect to the values and the mission of the company, it can be assured that they will produce an intranet with appropriate and relevant information.16 Financially, American Eagle is a company with large amounts of cash on hand and low debt .1 This affords the company the ability to invest quickly in any market opportunities it may perceive, and would give it a competitive advantage. With large amounts of cash on hand, AE is more resilient to economic and other external environment changes. American Eagle may also be able to take bigger risks in the market, which may lead to large increases in sales and preference among their target market. Because of the nature of the fashion retail industry, American Eagle has a tough time sustaining its competitive advantages. Although American Eagle has a high brand awareness and liking among people in its target market, it does not seem to have a high preference among those consumers, especially among college aged men.8 This suggests that American Eagle could strengthen its brand name and positioning because of the confusion concerning what the brand is about and the lack of the quintessential American Eagle look. American Eagles clothing seems to be overpriced for the kind of quality received, with many in the focus group saying that their garments have fallen apart easily and they felt like they had overpaid for them because of it.10 Even though American Eagle cites innovation as a competitive advantage, very few of their products are unique enough to qualify as new and innovative to their consumers.8 Even though American Eagle locates their stores mostly in trendy, accessible ma lls, this is easily imitated by other competitors since they rent locations in malls as well. Also, the increase of internet purchases has made store locations less of a competitive advantage by substituting for them. Another disadvantage is the Martin +Osa brand name, which failed to gain much awareness and performed poorly financially. In fact the company hopes to increase shareholder equity by closing down the brand completely.1 American Eagle seems be trying to increase its resonance with the target market and maintain its individualistic company culture in order to develop competitive advantages. American Eagle increases its resonance by reducing product lead times to better react to consumer tastes and current fashion trends and by continuing to exploit the opportunity of mobile and social marketing. AE maintains its culture and values by creating exciting career and internship opportunities and by focusing on a user generated intranet. American Eagles presence in the retail market is threatened because of the perceptions about them in their target market. Although some people enjoy and find the clothing to be fashionable and affordable, lack of a differentiated brand name will really hurt American Eagle in the long run. If they choose to focus on a differentiation strategy as opposed to focusing on low cost, they need to get their customers to believe all the things their employees do about the American Eagle brand. Comparison to Competition American Eagle has placed itself in the middle of the fashion industry where they cannot compete on price nor are they a high fashion brand, and they tailor toward a relatively small market segment. They have been able to successfully compete, to this point, by indentifying trends in fashion, positioning the company with a strong and recognizable brand name and maintaining a world class supply chain network. American Eagle most directly competes with Abercrombie and Fitch and The Gap but they have also seen increased market pressure from fast-fashion retailers like Forever 21.4 American Eagle has been very successful at identifying trends in fashion. A fashion retail company that could not would be out of business because of the nature of the fashion industry. This is an advantage that is tough to maintain because a few bad seasons could sink a successful retailer because it ruins their brand name and their revenues. There are two keys to being successful in fashion trending, the first is forecasting and identifying the newest fashion trends, and the second is getting those products through design, purchasing, manufacturing, distribution and to the store while they are still relevant. AE does a good job at both tasks and they are on par with their competitors in this sense. They are losing in these positions with fast fashion retailers, like Forever 21, which offer trendier clothes, cheaper, and faster from design. The fast fashion industry has been in boom as of late because they offer a greater degree of affordability than American Eagle and other traditi onal retail stores, while being trendier.4 American Eagle prides itself on how competitive their supply chain has become and, as we discussed previously, the distribution process is critical to success in fashion. When American Eagle sought to expand their business in 1999 they began by improving their distribution process. The goal was to lower inventory levels and increase the amount of flow in the distribution centers, a strategy often called Just-in-time distribution. They had two reasons to move toward this strategy, the first was discussed above, which was to shorten lead times from design to store shelves. This allowed them to create a store atmosphere of fresh, clean and hip clothes. This was supposed to compliment the overall theme of their clothing, which was supposed to be preppy and young. Short lead times also work to decrease sales lost to stock outs. The other goal was to decrease the cost of holding excess inventory, which will create better profit margins that they would not otherwise realize.  [17]   American Eagle has also been profitable because the way they have developed their brand name. They currently rank number 36 in the top 50 most valuable retail brand name list. The GAP is number 23 and Abercrombie and Fitch is at number 49.  [18]  The value of the brand name is based on how much it will likely earn them in the future. This is the result of both quality product and marketing efforts. AE has worked to market through socially hip medians, such as hip TV shows, and Facebook. The result has been that they are able to spend less on marketing while being as effective as other industry leaders. For instance AE spends 3.2% of total assets on marketing1 while Abercrombie and Fitch spends 12.1%  [19]  , despite Abercrombies much lower ranking. In fashion a brand is everything, two identical shirts with two different brands are going to be perceived as different. Since, American Eagle has placed themselves in a good position when it comes to their brand name, but they are not industry leaders, with the GAP, Polo Ralph Lauren and even Aeropostale coming in above them. The general conclusion has been that American Eagle has been successful due to the defined key metrics for success but at the same time they have consistently fallen short of the top position each category. This is consistent when looking through the stock price of each company, with American Eagle falling well behind Abercrombie and Fitch, Urban Outfitters, The Buckle, and short of The Gap, Aeropostale. Recommendations As American Eagle enters the international market using a wider variety of currencies one of the biggest problems that they will face is the movement of exchange rates. With the change of exchange rates they might have to show a loss of millions of dollars just because of an unfavorable exchange rate. The most important thing that American Eagle needs to develop is a clear and thorough way to hedge this risk. One way could be to set up a manufacturing site in those areas that the company is looking to enter, this will set the costs in the same currency as the revenue hedging that risk. Another recommendation for American Eagle in the aspect of its failed line of M+O stores, is to develop a store in a number of years that will transition its current American Eagle customers into a more adult look. The reason that M+O failed could be that older people now have already had a set look and company that they buy from and its hard to get those people to change and try something new. By wait ing a number of years and having its current customers grow into adulthood they can put out a line or store that fits that customer because they are already used to the American Eagle name and store. Looking through American Eagles 2009 statement of cash flows it is evident that the company has a lot of cash sitting there not being put towards an investment which is almost like losing money. And with advertising as a percentage of sales only being 2.3% compared to Abercrombie Fitch having 12.1%19 American Eagle could put that money towards an advertising campaign. American Eagle is in a unique position from most of their competitors because they are flushed with cash and can afford to invest the money into company growth. The greatest potential for market growth exists overseas, with 90.8% of revenue coming from the United States.4 American Eagle does have online sales overseas, but there are only a few store locations outside of North America. We believe AE would be best served by investing in countries where the economy is struggling and where the brand name would not have heavy negative connotations. These markets would mostly be China, Japan, and other Asian countries. Success overseas is not a given and AE will have to be careful to differentiate themselves from foreign competitors. It may even be necessary to change the brand name depending on market research performed on a country and their reaction to a brand that is so American. If they are able to compete overseas they will be able to take advantage of two huge strategic benefits. The first is accomplishing economies of size by increasing manufacturing demands from a global market, an objective their competitors have already begun to work toward. The second benefit is that ability to weather economic depressions in different companies by being diversified across foreign markets. We suggest that American Eagle differentiate itself from its major competitors, since our focus group research has suggested that members of their core market tend to be c

Thursday, September 19, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - The Influences Parents Have On Th

Throughout our lives we're influenced by many. It can have an effect on the way we view issues within societal boundaries. One of the major influences children have in their lives comes from their parents. The parents of a child can have both a positive and a negative influence on their lives. In the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird", there are two excellent examples of how parents can be a major influence on their children. Atticus Finch, father of Jem and Scout Finch, plays the loving, kind and knowledgeable father. He is an example of how parents can have a positive influence on their children. Bob Ewell, father of Mayella Ewell, plays the drunken, abusive, and neglectful father. He is an example of how a parent can be a negative influence on their children's lives. Both fathers are very influential on the psychological development of their children. Parents can influence how their children behave, feel, and act towards the outside world. If a child is brought up with hatred and anger, they can learn to view the world in a very negative way, by being critical and prejudice towards other people. However if a child is brought up with caring and nourishment, they can learn to see the world from all different angles. Atticus Finch raises his children with love and care, and teaches them to consider all angles of a situation before you judge someone; "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view"... "Until you clim...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Time Traveler :: Creative Writing Essays

The Time Traveler If you think about it, it's kind of funny for an atheist to have the power of God. It's also funny that I'm one sentence into this narrative, and I'm already way ahead of myself. I guess I'd better forget everything I've learned about reality layers, chronotons, and hyperbubbles and try to remember the basics of chronological storytelling. I am, after all, an historian. Oh, maybe not by choice, to be sure -- I always wanted to be a Vigilante. Never really had the stomach for the new pulverizers, though. Maybe I was brainwashed. I'll tell you who wasn't afraid of the pulverizers, though: the Patrolmen. Hardly a day went by when you didn't read about some poor fool who had challenged the Patrolmen by committing an offence within the gun's range. Of course, what passes for an "offence" nowadays is enough to make an historian laugh -- we who remember vividly the days when saying "God damn it!" would earn you a demerit in Sister Winters's moral values class instead of sending your pieces to hell in about fourteen different handbaskets. That's where it all started for me, actually, in Sister Winters's class. Arthur was there, too... "God damn it! That hurts!" We were 13, Arthur and I, and still he hadn't learned not to take the Lord's name in vain in front of a hardcore nun like Sister Winters. The phrase "tough-as-nails" didn't even begin to describe her. Once, she punched poor Shelly Hurston in the throat because she saw what she described as "a suspiciously sinful-looking bruise" there. Sister Winters's Amazing Hickey Cure is what we called it; in fact, it was just a sixty-three-year-old-woman's-fist-sized bruise smashed on top of the first one. That was when we were 11, and Shelly still couldn't turn her head too far to the left on this day. But what was she going to do about it? Her parents had called in political favors all the way up to the Archdeacon of Schools, and they weren't about to raise a fuss and risk losing the scholarship they had weaseled out of the system for her. But, anyway, Arthur had felt responsible for Shelly ever since, mainly because he had been the generous provider of the "sinful-looking bruise." Shelly had never tattled on him, either, which, in those days, was grounds enough for us to consider them a couple. The Time Traveler :: Creative Writing Essays The Time Traveler If you think about it, it's kind of funny for an atheist to have the power of God. It's also funny that I'm one sentence into this narrative, and I'm already way ahead of myself. I guess I'd better forget everything I've learned about reality layers, chronotons, and hyperbubbles and try to remember the basics of chronological storytelling. I am, after all, an historian. Oh, maybe not by choice, to be sure -- I always wanted to be a Vigilante. Never really had the stomach for the new pulverizers, though. Maybe I was brainwashed. I'll tell you who wasn't afraid of the pulverizers, though: the Patrolmen. Hardly a day went by when you didn't read about some poor fool who had challenged the Patrolmen by committing an offence within the gun's range. Of course, what passes for an "offence" nowadays is enough to make an historian laugh -- we who remember vividly the days when saying "God damn it!" would earn you a demerit in Sister Winters's moral values class instead of sending your pieces to hell in about fourteen different handbaskets. That's where it all started for me, actually, in Sister Winters's class. Arthur was there, too... "God damn it! That hurts!" We were 13, Arthur and I, and still he hadn't learned not to take the Lord's name in vain in front of a hardcore nun like Sister Winters. The phrase "tough-as-nails" didn't even begin to describe her. Once, she punched poor Shelly Hurston in the throat because she saw what she described as "a suspiciously sinful-looking bruise" there. Sister Winters's Amazing Hickey Cure is what we called it; in fact, it was just a sixty-three-year-old-woman's-fist-sized bruise smashed on top of the first one. That was when we were 11, and Shelly still couldn't turn her head too far to the left on this day. But what was she going to do about it? Her parents had called in political favors all the way up to the Archdeacon of Schools, and they weren't about to raise a fuss and risk losing the scholarship they had weaseled out of the system for her. But, anyway, Arthur had felt responsible for Shelly ever since, mainly because he had been the generous provider of the "sinful-looking bruise." Shelly had never tattled on him, either, which, in those days, was grounds enough for us to consider them a couple.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Farms to Cities

For most American’s, lifestyles changed dramatically for those who were used to living on the farm. Farmland started changing to the urbanization of the cities from the late 1860’s to the 1920’s. Due to the mass increase of immigration, both the â€Å"Old Immigration† and the â€Å"New Immigration† gained new opportunities due to the Second Industrial Revolution. This included the introduction new technology and innovations, and the creation of factories and the assembly line and mass production, and a new urbanized lifestyle. The city became a new and worthy opportunity for those who formerly worked on a farm. By 1925 the city, and not the farm, had become the basic reality for most Americans because of the Second Industrial Revolution, the mass immigration, and the opportunity for greater wages. The Second Industrial Revolution is considered to have begun in the 1860’s. New technologies and innovations such as the Bessemer steel converter, the internal combustion engine, the production and refining of oil and gasoline, the telegraph, the radio, electricity and the American system of manufacturing were created in the mid to late 19th century. The Bessemer converter worked by blowing air through holes at the bottom of the convertor to create a reaction that oxidizes the silicon and excess carbon which converted it to pure steel or iron. This machine allowed a lowered price on steel and iron as well as speed in production. This was a major contributor to the production of railroads. The expansion of the railroads greatly increased from 1860 to 1920. Railroads tripled from 1860 to 1880 and then doubled again by 1920. The railroads lowered the cost of shipping which enabled the cheaper movement of raw materials that would be used in factories. These new tracks also connected isolated towns to larger markets which allowed them access to new materials they could not have before. Larger cities had an expansion of better transportation systems, such elevated railways and subways and road way systems for the bicycle craze of the 1890’s. These innovations introduce in the 1880’s such as the American system of manufacturing substantially increased the productivity in the sewing and bicycle industries. A major development in the manufacturing methods of the Second Industrial Revolution was introduction of electricity to factories. This enabled the factories to utilize the new innovations of the assembly line and mass production. New Factories were starting to pop up in many cities in the Northeast sections of the United States. Since more and more factories were being built, they needed more and more workers to help run the factory and to keep it stable. These factories created many new job opportunities for those that were considered middle class. Wages were much higher compared to farming jobs and local small town jobs. There were two types of workers, skilled workers and unskilled workers. The skilled workers were very good at what they did and instructed the unskilled workers to perform simple task and to repeat it over and over again. This soon created the assembly line which helped the skilled worker get his job done faster since all the unskilled workers were helpingthe small task move along so the skilled worker could finish the project. Many of the unskilled workers were tired of repeating these motions and wanted to gain a skill set to become more valuable and earn higher wages. Therefore some of the first colleges were created to help teach these unskilled men new skill sets. Also, the workers in the factories created a new market demand for things such as housing, grocery stores, and department stores. Because of this new market demand, the US economy grew immensely from the late 1860’s to the 1920’s.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Analysis of Pharmacy Code of Ethics Essay

Each profession has a set of ethical codes and guidelines which they must adhere to in order to reach optimum trust and maintain professional relationships with their customer or patient. Breach of the specified code will result in damage of patient’s trust, credibility in one’s ability to work in their environment with a non- objective view and so forth. A Pharmacist’s main goal is to provide and assist patients in making the right judgment regarding their use of medication; anything that compromises the ethical code must be acknowledged and dealt with accordingly. In a Pharmacy profession there are eight ethical codes of which five I will discuss; the first is to respect the relationship boundaries between a patient and a pharmacist (US Pharm D). There may arise cases where one wants to be objective and voice an opinion that doesn’t suit the role of a pharmacist, always remember that it’s a professional relationship regardless of how close one is to the patients outside of work; being unbiased makes it easier to rationally provide an answer. In regard to this code, a pharmacist’s main goal is to maintain the trust of the patient which goes both ways; trust that the patient has listened and understood the use of the medication and will continuously use it the right manner, and in turn the patient trusts that you have provided to the best of your knowledge the most suitable medication. The theory that best fits the image portrayed by this code is Kant’s theory, â€Å"to always treat others as an end to themselves and never merely as means†, this means that a pharmacist isn’t promoting a specific drug and completely neglecting his patience health and terminating patients overall trust. The pharmacist should in no way lie to the patient while giving treatment even if their intention was for good. According to Kant’s theory good results never make an action morally right. Promoting the wellbeing of every patient in a caring compassionate and confidential manner is the secondary code of ethic s (US Pharm D). Emphasis on this code is on full responsibility of the patient and no other; to offer compassion and treat them in a private manner while maintaining patient’s dignity. Principle of beneficence provides a clear justification of this code in the state that advocates promotion for patient’s welfare. Signing up in a healthcare profession like pharmacy doesn’t requires extreme sacrifices with regard to the patient like a surgeon would; here there is no absolute duty and the act of beneficence isn’t maximized. For instance working in this field won’t require the professional to cancel their plans for a patients comfort. A balance is maintained between the patient’s and pharmacist’s level of selfishness. The third ethical code of a pharmacist is to â€Å"respect the autonomy and dignity of each patient† (US Pharm D). The code simply states that a pharmacist will communicate with a patient in such a way that will provide cohesive under standing and allow patient to partake in decision making process. Pharmacist should allow patient the right to be self-determined as well as self-worth. Principle of autonomy best fits this model and affirms a patients right to utilize self-independence but only if the patient is able to make rational and sound judgment. That being said, if the patients fails to be sensible there exists an exception. The exception is justified by the principle of paternalism, meaning that other individuals who are taking care of the patient will have the right to decide instead and work with the pharmacist. Like all other professions that have a basic rule of honesty in their relationships, so does pharmacy. A pharmacist must act with a conscience mind, tell the truth, avoid actions that will render impaired judgment and compromise what the profession stands for as well as the patient’s well-being (US Pharm D). This code mirrors initial ethical code of pharmacy pertaining to â€Å"conventional relationship between the patient and pharmacist† (US Pharm D); just as the initial code was validated by Kant’s moral theory so is this particular code. Under no circumstances should a patient be misled. This goes as far as to support the patient to be able to acknowledge whether the medication they are being giving is a placebo or not. Also principle of beneficence is in affect here due to maximizing welfare of patient, by telling the truth and being honest there is room for greater professional judgment. Principle of Utility justifies that pharmacist should act in a way to bring great benefit and less harm; again by being honest there is minimal room for error due to there being a lack of suppression of important information and communication. Aside from honesty and maintaining patients trust, a prominent code would be regarding your capacity as a pharmacist (US Pharm D). A pharmacist has an obligation to stay on top of their field indicating that one must be up-to-date with the newest medication, technologies, and devices. Lack of knowledge will lead to poor analysis and endanger a patient’s health. Principle of nonmaleficence states that one doesn’t need malic to cause harm, ignorance as well can lead violating this code. Remember as pharmacist one must avoid harm and take full responsibility of a pharmacist professional role – in short there is no leeway in this ethical code, its absolute.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay

From reading Of Mice and Men sections one and two we know that George and Lennie’s relationship is a bit confusing as George mainly covers Lennie’s back. We also see that George can put Lennie down at times when George is annoyed at Lennie. Although from reading section three I can tell that their relationship is slowly becoming closer and a kinder one. Firstly, George is starting to make Lennie seem a little happier and to show him that he is not all bad at things. We can see this on page 43, line 4, ‘he’s sure of a good worker. Strong as a bull.’ This shows that George is at least trying to make Lennie feel good about himself. Another example of this can be seen again on page 43, line 11,’ he can do anything you tell him, said George. He’s a good skinner.’ This quote could mean that George really does deep down love Lennie as a friend. Secondly, the other hand George can be harsh to Lennie on the odd occasion where George is trying to be funny. A quote for this can be found on page 45, line 5,’ I wasn’t kicked in the head with no horse, was I, George? Be a darn good thing if you was, George said viciously. Save ever’ body or hell of a lot of trouble.’ We can tell from this that George tries to make himself laugh by saying bad things about Lennie. Thirdly, Lennie seems that he does not really seem to make a matter of that he is being treated badly by George sometimes. We can see this on page 43, line 7, ‘George scowled at him, and Lennie dropped his head in shame.’ This shows that he is upset by how he drops his head but doesn’t say anything back to try and defend himself. Shows that he is getting bullied by George a bit. Fourthly and finally another way their relationship builds up is how they always dream of the future and how they both want the best for each other also how they sort of know that it will be all good. I’m guessing that they will talk about the future a couple more times later on in the book. So from reading section 3 we can see that their relationship is very slowly getting better and their bond is getting tighter but George sometimes slows the relationship down, but can say good and positive things about Lennie on the odd occasion.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How the American government works Essay

In order to understand how the American government works, one must address the questions, who governs and for what purpose. However, the obvious answer may not be the correct one. Many may think that those who govern are the people or perhaps politicians. In actuality, there is no definite individual or particular group who governs. Instead governing is a process, which involves several groups (voters, candidates, parties, executive officials etc) who carry out the policies of the people by bargaining, supporting, and compromising. The purpose of those who govern is to bind society in law. The Constitution provides legitimacy for the government’s purpose, ensuring the rights of the people, as well as, protecting those who are governed from being dominated by those in power. One of the most important components of the American government is democracy. Democracy is relevant to who governs because it shows that one individual does not govern and although â€Å"the people† may elect someone, the process of getting there and the process of staying there involves other institutions that prevent too much power. Democracy involves political participation, voting, and citizen participation. Thus, one can say that every institution or individual governs in various ways and for different purposes. The American government follows Participatory democracy or representative democracy. The president is elected to serve the interests of the people. He represents the will of the majority, just as the title suggests. He is authorized to make decisions, but he alone does not have full control. In an essay concerning civil government, John Locke describes how a government functions. According to him, the only way a government can exist is when the people individually consent to the power of the government under majority rule. In order for a government to exist the people must submit to the government (if not there would be no government). The Constitution provides a similar explanation but not entirely. The Constitution creates a system of separate institutions (or branches) that share powers. The presid ent makes up the executive branch. Those eligible for voting contribute to choosing the president. The Electoral College votes also and chooses the president. The president has certain powers like being commander in chief, making treaties, etc. However, Congress and the Courts (or the legislative and judicial branches) can check his powers. Congress can refuse to pas a bill the president wants, use impeachment powers, refusing to ratify treaties, or passing laws over the president’s veto. The Courts can also check the president by declaring to be unconstitutional. Similarly the Courts can check Congress and vice versa. Each branch uses its power to help pass policies. The question of who governs is not only limited to those who fall into the category of the three branches. Several institutions of influence and monetary dominance take part in the government. Many corporations govern in their own way by funding campaigns. They use their involvement to help carry out policies that perhaps can or will benefit them. Thus, the question of who governs is vague. The Constitution focus on the 3 branches, but governing is not limited to the national government. When addressing the question to what ends or for what purpose one governs, one can say that the purpose of the government is to make decisions and laws, provide for the welfare of the people and ensure their rights. The Bill of Rights is an example of one of the purposes of the government. It states individual rights and liberties. The Constitution gives certain rights to the branches and those rights should be used for the people. Others may argue that those who govern have a special interest. It is human nature to have such instincts. However, this brings us back to the purpose of checks and balances and separation of powers. Governments govern for the majority because they represent these people (this doesn’t mean that they always serve in the best interest of the body politic). Addressing the questions is a difficult task. The answer to the question varies based on ones perspective. However the Constitution enables us to understand what institutions govern and what powers aren’t entitled to those who govern and those who are governed. Bibliography . American Government: Policies and Institutions Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 1998 Excerpts from Dahl’s Who Governs? John Locke’s Essay Concerning Civil Government

Friday, September 13, 2019

Acts of Terrorism

An investigation into the reasons that acts of terror are committed. This paper explores the motivations behind acts of terror. It is written in the light of the September 11thattack on the USA in 2001 and it studies recent acts of terrorists both in the United States and elsewhere in the world. It focuses on the personality of Osama Bin Laden and what he symbolizes for the American people.A great deal has been written about terrorism since 11 September 2001, but this should not blind us to the fact that terrorism is hardly a new phenomenon. Although it is hard to believe that there is anyone in the world who is not now more aware of the possible reach and effects of terrorism than they were six months ago, if we are to come to a better understanding of the ways in which terrorists operate and the basic human psychology of terrorism than we must take a longer view of the phenomenon (McDermott 2002). Only if we do soif we look at terrorism over a period of centuries and include an analysis of both religiously motivated and other forms of terrorismcan w e come to any clear understanding of what happened in the United States in September as well as what has happened since then (Miller 2002).

Thursday, September 12, 2019

China's economic discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

China's economic discussion - Assignment Example It has taken many decades for Chinese companies to compete on a national and global stage, but an increasingly educated workforce has helped to contribute to this. Before, the working Chinese population was not highly educated and thus could not perform technology intensive jobs. Another thing that MNCs will have to watch out for is labor shortages. Because of China’s one-child policy in the 1970’s and 80’s, there will be fewer young workers available for jobs in the future. In addition to this, labor costs will rise as the standard of living increases in China. As Chinese workers are becoming more skilled, they will demand pay that appropriately matches their skills. Finally, MNCs will need to change their focus to countryside Chinese cities, which are expected to experience huge growth in the not too distant future. Many MNCs are based in major cities in the eastern part of China, but this area has already experienced major

Personnel Resourcing & Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personnel Resourcing & Development - Assignment Example This would help the company take into account the various aspects of the external environment that can impact the organization (Kay, 2010, p.23). In any organization human resources are the most valuable assets for any organization and the success of an organization is heavily dependent upon the management of these vital resources of the organization. The key components of Human Recourse Planning include the following: Proper planning of these vital aspects can help any firm take advantage of the opportunities and generate competitive advantage. In case of Advanced Technical Resourcing the proprieties would be to bring in a change management that would involve a change in all of the above elements so as to make it a preferred organization for prospective employees. Resourcing is one of the most crucial steps in the human resource management of an organization. Resourcing includes employee hiring as well as fitting an employee into the overall organization by ensuring a job fit that involves a matching of a person’s abilities with the requirements of an organization. In case of Advanced Technical Resourcing discussed in the case it is important to have specialised persons as otherwise it would result in employee dissatisfaction that could impact the overall productivity of the organization. Finding a good job matching is very critical to the success of the organization (Taylor, 2005, p.5-6). In order to induce motivation employees must be motivated about their jobs so that they view their tasks as responsibilities and not just activities. In order to do this it is necessary for business organizations to ensure career development as well as a reward mechanism to rightfully reward the deserving employees. In case of Advanced Technical Resourcing regard there should be a fair appraisal of the employees strictly based on performance. In the context of the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


SURROGATING BODIES, EMBODIMENT OF THEORIES - Essay Example For instance, Hollywood serves as being a good laboratory for social scientists in order to discuss key elements, phenomena and possibilities or potentials of modern society. Similarly we will conduct an extensive analysis and hold relevant discussion especially through Surrogates and at the same time touching to some core concepts of Foucault, Deleuze, Baudrillard, Agamben and Zizek. The study sociology or social sciences particularly in theory form through popular culture is something familiar for the recent history of intellectual production. However, in conjunction with the above mentioned names on a topic regarding body, life and power, it is entirely new in the ground of popular culture and it can cause a productive / fruitful discussion and thinking process if it is taken in an inter-active and trans-disciplinary academic approach. The Surrogates is one Hollywood movie directed by Jonathan Mostow, based on a comic book written by Robert Venditti and drawn by Brett Weldele (Ven ditti and Weldele, 2006). It provides us the opportunity to discuss several sociological-philosophical concepts of critical thinkers in the the same film the near future of the world and society is discussed in the first the film was designed for military equipment and later it became readily available and affordable to members of the public. The technology enabled people to get involve in social life without limit and the users were kept safe from communicable diseases, crimes as well as discrimination, war among others. It was called as â€Å"a revolution in how we live.† Where people could remain their home and vicariously interacted with the real world through their robotic duplicates in other words their Surrogates and regardless of who you are, you could be anybody with these human-like machines. In power and politics, Michael Foucault has inspired critical thinkers and social movements especially from the second half of 20th century until now by showing critical thinkers in the modern sense that power is a biological process and has deep connections on social constructions of â€Å"body†. He further went on by clarifying that body is not â€Å"individual† at all and in modern times it is marked and socialized through complicated and intertwined ways of domination. Reality in the 21stcentury philosopher Jean Baudrillard explained the meaning of reality. His concept was based on accession of real rather than its destruction. He also criticized consumer society and the theory of body and politics. He claimed that, all contradictory currents are integrated in some circuits and transcription. He went further by accepting surrogates ideas by saying that bodies of people have become technical apparatuses themselves. In the invisibility of â€Å"real body† robots have taken places of real bodies, and in his words, they turned into the reality, or there is no reality apart from them. The â€Å"thing† we call bod y today has become a huge brain / mind and the bedroom turned into the skull.In the case of Surrogates, physical body operating in the society is separated from inside entirely and all real or biological body became â€Å"inside† as a closed and invisible unity. This time technologies and their applications do not seem so â€Å"irreversible† at the first sight. The movie Surrogates is maybe a further expression of this